The installation package that is available on our server (\\CANTERBURY-EX\ClientApps\JARMan) provides the installation of the basic JARMan components on a user PC. I don’t think it is possible to create a one-click installation package, but if you go through the normal install and accept the defaults, then the installation is very straightforward – if this is not the case, then please let me know what specific problems are encountered.
Once installed, you will need to copy the jarman.exe file from \\CANTERBURY-EX\ClientApps\JARMan\Applic and replace it with the .exe file that is in the root of the JARMan folder.
The installation package assumes installation with the database on the user’s PC as this is the case for the care centres. The basic database is installed and then the care-home specific database must be copied from the server from Canterbury-Ex/publicFTP/"Company Name"/"Care Home" – copy all files within the care home folder to C:\Jarman\data on the local PC. This cannot be automated as the databases contain some differences for each Care Centre. For Head Office users, the database is on the server and all that has to be done is a change to the DbPath statement in the c:\JARMan\JARMan.ini file to define the required database – either Canterbury, HCMS or Akari.