Purchase Order Statuses and notes on what happens and how support can be provided:
(Last updated - 3rd Feb, 25)

  • Unsubmitted
    Order has been created but not submitted. No money has been removed from the budget.
    Actions - Can be edited and re-submitted to follow the usual progress or cancelled and status changes to 'Cancelled' or left as is.
  • Pending
    Order has been submitted but exceeds monthly budget allowance, requires authorisation. Until authorised no money has been removed from the budget.
    Actions - Can be cancelled and status changes to 'Cancelled'.
  • Denied
    Order has been submitted but exceeds monthly budget allowance, requires authorisation. Authorisation has been denied. No money has been removed from the budget.
    Actions - Can be edited and re-submitted to follow the usual progress or cancelled and status changes to 'Cancelled' or left as is.
  • Placed
    Order has been sent to supplier, budget has been withdrawn.
    Actions - Can be cancelled providing a purchase order does not have an invoice associated to it. Doing so will reinsert the money to the budget, set the status to 'Cancelled' and email the supplier associated with the cancellation request. If the purchase order is associated to a job, property services will be cc’d in on the email.
    Important - If an Invoice is attached (for any reason) and cancellation is required then please ask the Home to contact their Purchase Ledger clerk to resolve the issue.
    Note - A 'Placed' status may not show an option to cancel and this is where the PO has the invoice associated but not the delivery note and Purchase ledger will periodically send out a report to all relevant Homes to Acknowledge their delivery note.
  • Noted
    Order Delivery Note has been created and saved.
    Actions - Although the option to cancel exists it generally should not be used as the fact that the status says 'Noted' implies that goods have been supplied.
    If, however, this is a genuine mistake and the order is no longer required then the cancel button can be used and it will reinsert the money to the budget, set the status to 'Cancelled' and email the supplier associated with the cancellation request. If the purchase order is associated to a job, property services will be cc’d in on the email.
    Another example may be that the delivery note has been acknowledged by mistake before the goods are received and in this case the status can be left as 'Noted' and the Home should be advised to ensure the goods do arrive.
  • Invoiced
    Order Invoice has been created and authorised.
    Important - If any issues arise please contact the Purchase Ledger clerk for advice.
  • Invoiced and Noted
    Both invoice and note have been authorised/created.
    Important - If an Invoice is attached and cancellation is required then please ask the Home to contact their Purchase Ledger clerk to resolve the issue.
  • Completed
    Invoice(s) for Order/s have been exported.
    Important - If any issues arise please contact the Purchase Ledger clerk for advice.
  • Closed
    Info to be added when known
  • Cancelled
    This status shows if the 'Cancel' option has been used against any of these original statuses: Unsubmitted, Pending, Denied, Placed or Noted.