Financial Years

Setting up financial years allows holiday entitlement and reports to be generated.

1) Ask Payroll for the dates for a particular site

2) In the main menu of Portal underneath FINANCE, click 'Periods'

3) In the 'Financial years' block, click the 3 dots and click 'New financial year':

4) Please ensure you add the previous year like in the following example so the system understands the date ranges:

Roster Years

Setting up roster years allows

1) Ask Payroll for the dates for a particular site

2) In the main menu of Portal underneath FINANCE, click 'Periods'

3) In the 'Roster years' block, click the 3 dots and click 'New roster year':

4) Please ensure you add the previous year so the system understands the date ranges.

Payroll Periods

Payroll periods have to be generated for a site to be able to navigate to those weeks in the Planner

Before payroll periods can be generated automatically, a few have to be added manually so the system understands the payroll period pattern e.g. 4 weeks-5weeks-4weeks-5weeks

Allow up to 10 seconds for a payroll period to generate before adding another.

1) Click Payroll in the left panel

2) Click the menu in the upper right and click 'generate new period'