1) In the upper left corner of your Portal app, click the green box and ensure you are set to 'Site'
2) Click 'Staff' in the main menu and add the staff member. This will create an entry for them in the database so they are able to tie their login details to the entry
3) Send the following link to the staff member so they are able to create their login details: https://www.authportal.app/auth/password/new
3a) Please ensure they enter their work email address AND/OR their personal mobile number (whichever they choose, they must be the same as what you entered when you initially added them to the system)
3b) They should click send setup code to send a code to their email address. The web app will prompt them to enter the code
3c) They can then enter a password
Site Staff Setup
After management and admins are able to login, they will have the ability to add staff members to their site.
Staff members themselves do not need to go through any of the steps above i.e. they do not need to set login credentials for themselves.
Even in the event of a staff member setting up login credentials for themselves, they will only be able to view their shifts for the week, and possibly be able to clock in depending on if the site manager allows this on their mobile devices.