Currently the process for publishing Occupancy from Jarman takes the following steps:

1) Care Home completes Occupancy on Jarman and clicks submit. This sends the data to Jarman at Head Office

2) Head Office Logs into Jarman on a Head Office PC and publishes the Occupancy data to Portal

3) Portal Sidekiq has a recurring job to update the occupancy reports from the data (every 1 hour). This can be expedited by manually enqueueing the job.

How to Publish the Occupancy from Head Office Jarman

1) Open Jarman.

2) Click on 'Occupancy' Module (NOTE: this process will need to be done for BOTH Canterbury and HC Solutions)

    a) If you are running HC Solutions Occupancy then choose Team -> Active - Live Cases

3) Click OK on the refresh notification

4) Ensure that the Occupancy field is Green up to yesterdays date to confirm the home has submitted their occupancy up to date. If it is red then you will need to advise the home to ensure they have submitted their occupancy.

5) Click 'Publish To Web'

6) The publish dates can be left on their default range there is no need to change - Click OK

7) On the 'Publish?' dialogue Click YES

8) This will publish the figures to Portal. However, the report will not update live, Portal will update the information 1 per hour with it's occupancy daily report task. Or you can manually set it off with Sidekiq.