First you will need to create Deputy Manager as a new Job Grade. Do this from GED > Parameters > Grade Details.

You'll then need to add the pay rates in the pay tables. Do this from GED > Parameters > Edit Pay Tables.

Use the Grade dropdown to find the new grade and place the screen into edit mode. Then enter all the pay rates against each pay line. Save the record.

The next step is to add Deputy Manager as a Job Title. go to GED > Parameters > Lookup Lists.

Find the Employee Job Title list from the left hand side and click on add new. Type the job title into the description field and save the record.

Then Find the Roster Section lookup list, and add Deputy Manager.

Next go the employee's record. GED > Details > Employee.

Place the screen into edit mode and amend the Job Title field to show the new role. Then Change the relevant Job Grade to the newly created Deputy Manager.

Then you will need to update your changes to the site. Go to GED > Utility > Update Parameters.

Tick the relevant site and click ok. Then tick Grades and Pay Tables, then Update. This will push the parameter changes to the site.

Lastly, update the employee changes by going to GED > Utility Update Employee Changes. Then do Update Home Employees. This pushes the changes made on the employee record to the home.

The home admin is now in a position to roster the employee in the new roster section in their new role.

Kind regards,