If Actual Average Weekly Fees do not come through from Jarman:
The module for Jarman that Pulls the Actual Average Weekly Fees is called CarebloxClientImport.exe
However, it can fail if any of the following pre-requisites are not met:
It requires Exclusive access to the file named: carebloxclients.dbf for each division it runs:
It requires access to the Careblox MSSQL database. This can be checked via HeidiSQL or the error logs will report (see ):
Error connecting to Careblox database - HMSMISExport
There must be no other tasks of the same name running at the same time.
How to manually run the program:
To Run the Canterbury Figures:
Edit the file D:\Jarman\CanterburyCare\JARMan.ini
Remove the semi colon (‘;’) from the line “ForcePublishOfAvgFee = .T.”
Save the file
Run the Executable D:\Jarman\CanterburyCare\CarebloxClientImport.exe
IMPORTANT!: Repeat step a and re-add the semi colon that was removed before.
To Run the HCSolutions Figures:
Edit the file D:\Jarman\HCSolutions\JARMan.ini
Remove the semi colon (‘;’) from the line “ForcePublishOfAvgFee = .T.”
Save the file
Run the Executable D:\Jarman\HCSoluitions\CarebloxClientImport.exe
IMPORTANT!: Repeat step a and re-add the semi colon that was removed before.
How to check for error reports from the CarebloxClientImport.exe
If the program runs and stops immediately with NO messages on screen, the program has definitely failed to run. The following steps can be used to try and remedy the situation:
Open the task manager and check there are not duplicates of the program already running.
Check the Error logs from the program. They can be found in:
If any of the event logs state that the file is not accessible then check open files to see who might be in the occupancy module for Jarman (examples of the error are):
Error clearing contents of CarebloxClients table - DbPath = \\canterbury-ex\ClientApps\JARMan\HCSolutions\
File access is denied \\canterbury-ex\clientapps\jarman\hcsolutions\carebloxclients.dbf
Open files (see point 3) can be checked by opening the Server Manager and navigating to Open files to see who has it open (WARNING: THIS AREA IS DELICATE – IF IN DOUBT SEEK THE APPROPRIATE SUPPORT PERSON)
OTHER Potential Causes:
Another possible cause of the CarebloxClientImport Module is if another instance is stuck with the file still open (even if the open files list says it is not). To check this do the following:
- Click on Start and open Administrative Tools
- Open Remote Desktop Services followed by Remote Desktop Services Manager
- Click on the Processes tab and ensure that there are no 'Images' of CarebloxClientImport.exe running.
- If there are any running, make sure that the user in question is not in Jar:
- If the user is in Jarman ask them to log out
- If the user is not in Jarman then End the process.
- If there are any running, make sure that the user in question is not in Jar:
Once these steps are followed then it is likely that the process will run.