How to install JARMan for an Expenses user


  1. Browse to \\canterbury-ex\ClientApps\JARMan\

  2. Double click the JARMAN_InstallationKit and run through the installation process

  3. Go into the \\canterbury-ex\ClientApps\JARMan\Applic\ folder and copy the Expenses executable file.

  4. Browse to C:\JARMan\ and paste the Expenses.exe file here

  5. In this folder, right click jarman.exe and click “Run As Administrator”

  6. Once JARMan has downloaded the necessary modules and registered the dll files, you will then need to set up the user itself.


Setting up the Expenses user

  1. Set up the Expenses user on the server (Expenses Processing > Actions > Create New User)

  2. On the user’s PC/laptop, browse to C:\JARMan\ and double click the Expenses.exe application.

  3. When the dialogue box appears, press Yes and type the users’ full name. Firstname *space* Surname

  4. Follow the prompts until complete. Close the Expenses application.

  5. Open JARMan.exe and login as the JARBrowse user.

  6. Browse to the users.dbf file and double click to open.

  7. Rename regmanager to the users first name and close this window down.

  8. Open JARMan again and login using the users first name. This will take them directly to their expenses.

  9. If you open JARMan and login using “admin”, this will take the user to the homes view and they can select the care home they want to see using the drop down on the right.


Install JARMan using the install wizard

Run as Admin

Open JARMan.ini (On Admin computer, copy the first line which shows the path to where the database is)

paste this line into the new users JARMan.ini file on their C:

Open JARMan on Admin computer under HC Solutions column > USserAdmin > Add > Userid = Firstname.Surname > Application = JARApplic > Paste commands/fuinctions into box below by copying a user with same job role.

Log into JARMan on new users PC